Thursday, February 17, 2011

Calling in the SWOT team

Lets start off with the good news!

We are a group of bright and ambitious individuals that are full of creativity.  All things that lend to our internal strengths.  On top of this, since the website is targeted to the Hawaiian lifestyle, it is safe to say that we are all fairly knowledgeable in that respect.

However, with that being said, we are the new kids on the block.  As such, we have no brand/name recognition, nor do we have any sort of contractual advantage that would lend us access to an established customer base.  This being the case, it is wise that we are avoiding a too broad of an approach in regards to our target market.  We would have a difficult time competing directly with since they seem to have the broad/general teen market segment locked up.

With technology being what it is however, our opportunities are wide open.  Social media networking has taken everyone, from grandmas to children.  Find me one person without any sort of social networking account, and I'll show you someone without any internet access what so ever.  These platforms allow for instant meet and greets, communication, and record keeping; all of which lend to the type of product/service we are offering.

Plus, more and more people are realizing the benefits of a balanced diet and exercise routine.  As a result, more people will want information on how to go about achieving that and/or how to keep said diet and routines both entertaining and fresh.  Lets face it, if you are not having fun the chances of you keeping with it are pretty slim.

As for threats, the biggest one facing us in my opinion, is the ability to generate awareness.  While the internet makes our product/service a reality, it does the same thing for everyone else.  Finding a way to rise above all the other people doing the same thing as us will be the key to success.  Another possible threat is the constant changing trend regarding what is "in" or "out" for both diets and exercise.  So long as we are constantly updating our information to provide the latest and greatest with a tropical twist, we should be okay.  The important thing is to keep a variety of diets and routines, so that there is something for everyone, depending on their own likes/dislikes.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The 4 P's...

Is Live, Life, Aloha, simply a hub for information regarding healthy living, or are we more than that?

As Bob has asked, are we planning on selling calendars or fitness DVDs?  It isn't that we have too, its just that we should settle on what exactly is our product.  Simply being informational is okay, as it makes things a bit easier 8).  If that is the case, then our product is just that, information on how to ascertain a healthy lifestyle.

As far as promotion goes, being that we are a web-based product, it makes sense that we promote online.  Making use of the big social media networks makes sense, as they are free and offer us the biggest possible audience.  If each person in the group got 10 people to follow/friend us on twitter and facebook, we'd immediately have reached 70 people.  That takes a lot less work and money than investing in Adwords or other paid SEO.

If we are simply offering information, than our price is free to the visitor.  We could sign up with Google to sell pay-per-click advertising on our website to generate money for updates/upkeep.  Perhaps we could institute a system where people who are offering classes or food that meet our criteria, would be able to pay a fee to be a "featured class" on the website.  Just a thought. 0_0

Of course, this is taking place online.  However, by targeting the local population, not only are we associating ourselves with our target market, we are also differentiating ourselves from the competition.  While we will be online, a lot of our classes should be offered on the islands.  Likewise, our recipes should reflect healthy alternatives/takes on local favorites dishes.

Just my two cents

Sunday, February 13, 2011 competition

While does seem to have it all, a potential opportunity for our website would be the exploitation of the local market.  Sparkteens seems to offer recipes and fitness routines based on a general offering.  We on the other hand, could offer recipes and fitness routines that cater to the island lifestyle.

For example, a lot of fitness routines could be water based, like surfing etc.  For food, instead of doing something such as Shake n Bake baked chicken, we could offer a recipe for baked shoyu chicken or something similar.  What better way to differentiate ourselves from our competition, while associating ourselves with our target market?


Disregard the mildly offense name!  Anyways, coming up for the public health behavior modification project are the four P's and a SWOT analysis. 8)