Ugh, sorry for not responding to anyone's blog this week. My internet has been a acting like a POS 8(. Anyways, I agree that time is going by fairly quickly and I'd hate to rush to get everything done for this class at the last minute, as I'm sure everyone else will have other projects/tests due at the end of the semester for other classes. Brandy's time line is both reasonable and doable.
I was under the impression that we were to be a start-up company, but if not I don't think it matters all too much. So far as my objectives go I agree with Bevin that we should definitely aim to increase brand awareness and incorporate some sort of metric system. I also think that achieving a certain level of search engine optimization would be a big plus, as it would only serve to generate more traffic to our website, thus increasing brand awareness. This could be either through free methods or paid.